

在不断变化的教育环境中, the quest to equip students with the tools they need for a successful future continues to gain momentum. 而传统的知识支柱仍然至关重要, the spotlight is increasingly shifting towards the development of a set of skills that can shape the trajectory of a student's life—executive functioning skills. 

本博客将深入探讨培养这些技能的深远意义, 揭示它们对现实世界的影响, and presenting innovative methods for educators and caregivers to foster these capabilities. 此外,我们将探索 澳门新葡京官网学校这些关键技能的有效实施.


Executive functioning skills encompass a wide range of mental processes that enable individuals to plan, 组织, 启动, 管理时间, 注意, 切换焦点, 有效地控制脉冲. These skills are often referred to as the "CEO of the brain" because they help individuals manage and direct their cognitive abilities toward achieving specific goals. 执行能力对日常任务至关重要, 解决问题, 以及新葡京官网中的整体成功.

“Students are fostering essential life skills that not only help navigate academic challenges but also serve as invaluable tools for their future,希瑟·瓦格纳解释道, 格林维尔学校低年级的校长. “These executive functioning skills are the guiding compass ensuring success beyond academics, 引导学生度过一生."

根据 哈佛大学儿童发展中心, “Children aren’t born with these skills—they are born with the potential to develop them. The full range of abilities continues to grow and mature through the teen years and into early adulthood.” The article goes on to note that these skills are essential for school achievement, 为我们未来的劳动力做好准备和适应能力, 避免了广泛的人口健康问题.

At 澳门新葡京官网学校, 将执行功能技能整合到课程中是一个动态过程, 多层次的努力, shaping students' abilities to thrive both academically and in their personal lives.


组织: The ability to arrange tasks, materials, and thoughts in a structured and systematic manner. This skill is essential for keeping track of assignments, managing time, and avoiding chaos.

时间管理: 把时间适当地分配给各种任务的技能, 设置优先级, 按时完成任务. Effective time management ensures that students can balance their academic and personal lives.

计划和目标设定: 设定具体目标的能力, 把它们分解成易于管理的步骤, 并制定一个实现目标的计划. 这项技能可以帮助学生保持动力并专注于他们的目标.

任务启动: 没有拖延或不必要的延迟开始任务的能力. Initiating tasks promptly can prevent students from feeling overwhelmed and reduce the chances of unfinished assignments.

工作记忆: The ability to hold and manipulate information in one's mind while completing tasks. 强大的工作记忆对于解决问题和理解至关重要.

认知灵活性: 适应变化的环境的技巧, 转移注意力, 并在必要时调整策略. Cognitive flexibility enables students to handle unexpected challenges effectively.

自我控制: 管理情绪和冲动的能力, 保持专注的关键是什么, 避免冲动的决定, 做出更好的选择.

在澳门新葡京官网 幼儿中心(幼稚园-幼稚园),基本技能的灌输. 孩子们逐渐建立注意力和耐力, 通过解决冲突和轮流练习来学习控制冲动, 适应变化, 在像作家工作室这样的日常活动中培养必要的时间管理技能. Independence and collaboration are encouraged through tasks like managing their belongings and engaging in collaborative projects, 为自我启蒙和社会适应奠定基础.

同时在 低年级(一至五年级),重点转向赋权. Consistent planner usage for homework and long-term projects fosters organizational skills. 鼓励独立完成任务,比如保持阅读日志, 利用谷歌课堂做作业, 整理物品, and personal responsibility builds foundational executive functioning capabilities.

高中(6 - 8年级),重点是全面的技能发展. Through schedule analysis and practical examples, students learn to navigate daily tasks effectively. 他们掌握优先顺序, 任务分解, 时间管理, ensuring they're equipped not just for academic demands but also for managing daily life. 比如建立一个没有干扰的学习空间, 晚上和早上的例行公事, and personalized studying techniques based on individual learning profiles empower them for success.


这种全面的技能发展带来多方面的好处. 良好的执行能力会导致学术上的卓越, 提高解决问题的能力, 精致的社交技巧, 减少压力, 以及在现实新葡京官网中处理问题的能力.

学术成就: Students with well-developed executive functioning skills tend to perform better academically. 他们可以组织他们的学习材料, 有效管理时间, 在课堂和考试中保持专注.

提高解决问题: 这些技能提高了学生批判性思考的能力, 适应新的挑战, 制定有效的策略来克服障碍.

增强社交技能: 执行功能技能也在社会交往中发挥作用. Students who can regulate their emotions and 注意 to others' needs are more likely to build positive 的关系 with peers and teachers.

减少压力和焦虑: Properly developed executive functioning skills can reduce stress levels as students feel more in control of their responsibilities and deadlines.

新葡京官网技能: These skills are not limited to the classroom; they are essential for success in various aspects of life, 其中包括职业, 的关系, 个人幸福.


绿色淡水河谷 采用多样化的工具包创造性地教授这些技能. Techniques range from mindfulness practices and visual aids to gamified learning and project-based activities. Incorporating role-playing scenarios and peer mentoring encourages critical thinking and adaptability, while technology assists in managing tasks and organizing information effectively.

正念和冥想: Incorporate mindfulness practices into the daily routine to help students become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. 正念练习可以提高自我调节能力,减少冲动.

视觉时间表: Use visual aids, such as charts and calendars, to help students plan and 组织 their tasks. 可视化的时间表可以使时间管理更加有形而不那么抽象.

Gamify学习: 把执行功能技能的发展变成一种游戏. 创造需要学生计划的活动或挑战, 优先考虑, 在规定的时间内做出决定.

角色扮演: Engage students in role-playing scenarios that require them to think on their feet, 适应变化的环境, 做决定. 这可以增强他们的认知灵活性和解决问题的能力.

基于项目的学习: 鼓励学生从事涉及目标设定的长期项目, 规划, 时间管理. This hands-on approach allows them to apply executive functioning skills in real-world contexts.

自我反省: Promote self-awareness by encouraging students to reflect on their actions, choices, and outcomes. Journaling or discussing experiences can help them recognize the impact of executive functioning skills on their lives.

同伴指导: Pair students with strong executive functioning skills with those who may need extra support. 同伴指导可以促进协作并提供有价值的指导.

整合技术: 使用旨在提高执行能力的数字工具和应用程序. These can assist students in managing their time, setting reminders, and organizing their tasks.

通过灌输这些执行功能技能,教育者在 澳门新葡京官网学校 学生是否在为现实世界的成功做准备. 这些技能超越了课堂, 使学生能够驾驭新葡京官网的复杂性, 创新解决问题, 让他们了解情况, 负责任的决策.

The school's commitment to nurturing these skills underscores their belief that developing well-rounded individuals goes beyond academics. It's about equipping students with the tools they need to excel in all facets of life, 确保他们为未来的挑战和机遇做好准备.

*来源: 哈佛大学儿童发展中心 


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